Chesterfield Bonds is an easy and accessible way of investing with a clear set-up

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    image percentage BUY BOND

    Buy a Chesterfield Bond.
    The values vary from € 5,000 to € 25,000

    image euro interest in advance INTEREST IN ADVANCE

    You receive your interest annually in advance in your account.

    bag with euro BUYBACK GUARANTEE

    At the end of the term, we buy back your Chesterfield Bond.

    Receive an annual fixed interest payment in advance at

    Enjoy life

    Fixed Return with a Chesterfield Bond

    Discover the uniqueness of Chesterfield Bonds. We offer a variety of bond products online, including standard Chesterfield Bonds ranging from €5,000 to €25,000 with various maturities. If you prefer, we can also create a Custom Bond tailored to your needs..

    We provide the highest fixed interest rates on your bond, ensuring no interim changes. For more information on interest options and terms, please visit the “Product overview” section in the menu bar above. One of the standout features of Chesterfield Bonds is that you receive your interest annually in advance! At the end of the term, we will buy back your Chesterfield Bond.